
Posts Tagged ‘algorithm’

Ae “Status Quo” – Tujhya aicha gho

October 25, 2012 2 comments

This status quo that has trapped me

Does not let me break free

My life, this is my question to thee

What the PHAK do you want from me?


That one little spark is what I look for

To shut the PC and walk out the door

But all I have is lack of  motivation

A lot of baggage and stupid emotion

Makaan Shift kar raha hai kya be

Dear Life, show me the light, give me a rhythm

Let me choose a new algorithm

I remember quicksort has a complexity of n Log n

Damn you ‘status quo’, PHAK off until then!


Jai Maharashtra,


PS: Sincere thanks to Yerwada jail, American Tourister and Wikipedia for the images!

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